Privacy policy

About Oxford Sling Library

Oxford Sling Library is run as a not-for-profit service for the community by local sling and babywearing consultant Lucy Hawkins.

We provide sling hire and advice services, and aim to help parents and carers feel loved and loving, confident and safe when carrying their child.

What data do you hold when I become a member?

Becoming a member of Oxford Sling Library means that you have an account on our MyTurn system, which helps us manage hires, take payments and keep records of what we do.

When you set up an account and become a member you need to provide

  • Your name
  • Address
  • Phone number
  • Email

Your account is active for one year. After this point you will be prompted to ‘reactivate’ your account to continue as an active member.  Both becoming and reactivating your membership is free of charge.

If you wish to reserve and hire items you will need to add to your account:

  • payment card details

Payment information is managed securely by Stripe. Even if there is an option to pay in another way (for example, using cash at an in-person sling library event), we still require your card details on file. This means that we do not have to take deposits when you hire.

Only the last four digits of your payment card and its expiry date are visible to Oxford Sling Library administrators after you have added your card to your account.

What data do you hold if I book an appointment or workshop.

When booking an appointment using our Acuity Scheduling system you need to provide:

  • Your name
  • Phone number
  • Email
  • The age of your child
  • Payment card details

Payment information is managed securely by Stripe. Only the last four digits of your payment card and its expiry date are visible to Oxford Sling Library administrators.

What happens to my data and where is it held?

We use your data only to run our sling library hire and advice services, and when you becoming a member or book a service you consent to us contacting you to inform you about the services you’re using, and to keep you up to date with news about Oxford Sling Library. You can disable automatic receipt emails or unsubscribe to email updates at any time. We don’t make any automatic or profiling decisions based on your personal data.

We use two online services to run our library.

MyTurn ( is the sharing economy platform that we use for our online accounts and hires, and to manage our bookings we use Acuity Scheduling ( Both services process your payments using an integration with Stripe (, and data processing using these services occurs securely, using international facilities: “when we transfer personal data from the European Economic Area (EEA), the UK or Switzerland to the U.S., including to our U.S.-based data centers, we rely on, in accordance with Articles 45 and 46 of the GDPR, lawful data transfer mechanisms recognized as providing an adequate level of protection for such data transfers, in particular the EU Standard Contractual Clauses”.

Oxford Sling Library keeps your data securely – access to user records on our MyTurn system is only visible to Oxford Sling Library administrators, and even the coordinator cannot see your full payment card information (only the last four digits of your payment card number and it’s expiry data are visible to us once you have added it to your account).

How can I access/update/delete my data?

You can log in to your MyTurn account at any time and see your record, including your personal details, transactions and loans.  Although you can’t delete your whole account yourself (otherwise we could lose records of where are slings are and how many times they’ve been hired) you can request your account to be manually deleted at any time by emailing

You can update your personal details or payment card yourself by logging into your account. You can also delete your payment card entirely (as long as you don’t have items on loan or reserved).

Acuity Scheduling gives you the option to create an account when you make a booking, which you can use to log in at a later date to see your appointments and data. You can request your information to be deleted at any time by emailing Once a year we also delete all data for ‘inactive’ clients – anyone who hasn’t booked a service in the last six months.

What help exists if I’m not happy with how my data is being managed?

We’ll always do our best to help (helping is what we do!) – email in the first instance. You can learn more about your rights and how to make a complaint about data handling (hopefully not about us!) at